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Good Practices on Social Inclusion from FernUniversität

FernUniversität in Hagen offers several support services for students and staff with disabilities. For instance, the Inclusion Concept serves to strategically implement objectives and measures that aim at improving social inclusion (with a focus on students and staff with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses) at the university. The current Inclusion Concept runs for five years (2018-2022) and consists of six focus areas with a total of 25 measures. The measures aim at raising awareness for the topic and delegating responsibility to all areas of the university. Furthermore, FernUniversity in Hagen has a Peer Mentoring Programme (financed through the Inclusion Concept). The target group of the programme are students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses who start or re-enter their study programmes, the mentors are advances students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses. The Peer Mentoring Programme is part of the StudyFit Programme of the university. It offers individual support for new students according to their needs and experience. The offer ranges from counselling to introductory modules, events and apps. There’s also an information website for students and staff who have a near or distance vision impairment. Another information website provides information for teaching staff concerning barrier-free web programmes and software and lists examples of good practice.

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